1) to file, give, make, present, submit a report
2) to draw up, make out, write, write out, write up a report
3) to confirm a report
4) an accurate; biased, slanted; confirmed; detailed, exhaustive; favorable, positive; firsthand; negative, unfavorable; objective; unconfirmed report
5) an annual; daily; incident; interim; majority; minority; monthly; morning; newspaper; oral; status; traffic; weather; weekly; written report
6) a classified; confidential; restricted; secret; top secret report
7) a school report (BE; AE has report card)
8) a report about, on; to (she filed a report about the incident; the annual report to stockholders)
9) a report that + clause (we have heard reports that the road is closed)
1) (B) ('to relate') we reported the information to the authorities
2) (D; intr.) to report about, on ('to describe') (the correspondent reported on the situation at the front)
3) (D; intr.) ('to present oneself') to report for; to (to report to headquarters for duty)
4) (D; tr.) ('to inform on') to report for; to (to report smb. to the police for violating an ordinance)
5) (pol.) (AE) (d; tr.) to report out of ('to return smt. for further action') (to report a bill out of committee)
6) (D; intr.) to report to ('to answer to') (she reports directly to the dean)
7) (G) ('to make known') several people reported having seen the stolen car
8) (K) ('to make known') smb. reported their leaving early
9) (L; to) ('to relate') she reported (to us) that she had accomplished her mission
10) (M) ('to describe') the fire was reported to be burning out of control
11) (N; used with an adjective, past participle) ('to describe') the patrol reported the entire area clear/cleared; he was reported missing in action
12) (Q) ('to describe') they reported how the incident took place
13) (esp. BE) (s) to report sick